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Tag Archives: bankruptcy lawyer

Why You Should Not Choose a Bankruptcy Attorney by Lowest Price

We know your financial situation is difficult if you are looking for a bankruptcy attorney, but how much you pay a bankruptcy attorney should not be where you cut corners. You should not look for the cheapest bankruptcy attorney as the sole criteria for choosing an attorney to use in a bankruptcy. If the lowest Continue Reading

Secured or Unsecured Debt

There are a few different categories of debt that people normal consumers deal with on a daily basis. In the world of credit and loans, we see many different names for loan products like payday loans, cash advance loans, interest-only mortgage, sub-prime mortgage, hard money loans, casino markers, student loans, and countless others. All of Continue Reading

Weekend Activities Need Not Be Expensive!

Happy Friday to all. This post is simply a reminder that weekend activities do not need to be expensive to be fun. If you are in Southern California as we are, there are many activities in our great cities and counties that are nearly free to you. If you are not in Southern California, you Continue Reading

Can You File Bankruptcy Without an Attorney?

If you are short on funds and cannot afford a law office to help you due to high prices, you may be able to file on your own in a bankruptcy. How do you know when you can file on your own and when you need a law office and bankruptcy attorney to help you? Continue Reading

Is It Ok to Ignore Your Collection Calls?

If you have past due debt, you may be getting collection calls from the company you owe the debt to or from a collections agent that is working for the creditor. The creditor may also sell the debt to another collections company that has more time to focus on collecting a debt. You may be Continue Reading

Tax Debt in Bankruptcy

The 2014 Tax season is upon us. We are here to help you if you are in need of assistance with tax debt. Many believe that tax debt, IRS debt, or Franchise Tax Board (state tax) debt is not eligible for bankruptcy relief. Bankruptcy Law Professionals is here to tell you that tax debt can Continue Reading

Can You Rent an Apartment or House with a Bankruptcy?

How does a bankruptcy on your credit report impact your chances of renting a home? Income is the number one factor in securing a place to rent. It is just one part of your financial profile that a landlord or property manager would want to know about. A credit score and credit report is also Continue Reading

What is the credit counseling requirement for bankruptcy?

Many are nervous about entering the bankruptcy process with all of the outstanding requirements that are written about online. Our offices in Orange County and Riverside CA have met with thousands of clients who found it challenging to track down all the requirements involved in filing for bankruptcy. Many people feel overwhelmed by what they Continue Reading

Bankruptcy Petition Preparers

If you have ever considered filing for bankruptcy with the help of a bankruptcy petition preparer or document preparation service as an alternative to working with a bankruptcy attorney, there are some major factors to consider. Bankruptcy Law Professionals is a full service law firm. When you work with us, you meet with an attorney Continue Reading

Bankruptcy Can Help You Live Without Credit Cards

Dependency on Credit Cards Are you using your credit cards to get by every month? Do you pay off as much as you can on your credit card debt, yet never seem to make a dent in your debt? Your debt seems to only be growing larger and larger with fees, interest, late charges. You Continue Reading

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