Tag Archives: irvine bankruptcy
Too Much Cash for Bankruptcy? Think Again.
Is Your Cash In Danger If You File for Bankruptcy? Do you think you have too much cash on hand or in your checking/savings account to file for bankruptcy? Most people have no idea that there are many types of exemptions in bankruptcy. Exemptions are allowances for you to keep assets out of the bankruptcy. Continue Reading
What is the credit counseling requirement for bankruptcy?
Many are nervous about entering the bankruptcy process with all of the outstanding requirements that are written about online. Our offices in Orange County and Riverside CA have met with thousands of clients who found it challenging to track down all the requirements involved in filing for bankruptcy. Many people feel overwhelmed by what they Continue Reading
Bankruptcy and Eviction
Bankruptcy Law Professionals can help you manage your eviction process with bankruptcy protection. Bankruptcy protection is a powerful tool to help you get control of a situation that is unpredictable. A foreclosure can leave you in an unsettling position where you are unsure of how long you will be in your home and how much Continue Reading
Bankruptcy Law Professionals Stops Creditor Harassment in Orange County
Creditor harassment is common across our clients in both Orange County and Riverside or Inland Empire areas. Creditors or collections companies are sometimes aggressive in collections activities especially with phone calls to your personal cell phone or home. Some may even contact you at your place of work. It is legal for a creditor collect Continue Reading