Our Services
What type of bankruptcy service do you need?
There are many aspects to bankruptcy services. Bankruptcy Law Professionals recognizes that everyone’s problems cannot all be solved with the same bankruptcy petition. Each petition needs to address your specific issues and needs directly. You need to know what to do in your own situation. You will need to learn about all of your rights and all of your options. Whether you view your situation as fairly common or extremely unique, we have the expertise to help you. We know the common questions that come to mind which we will address:
How do you know what you need that will be the best solution for your unique issues?
How do you know if what you have heard about bankruptcy is a myth or if it has been proven to work?
Do you know what the impact will be on your future after you file?
Bankruptcy Law Pros is here to answer all of your questions. Find out what types of services we offer and how we can help you with your bankruptcy needs.
Contact Bankruptcy Law Pros about any of our services on this page so that we can dispel many of these myths and provide you with accurate information so that you can make an informed decision regarding your future.
Featured services
Chapter 7 Under Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, most of your unsecured debts will be “discharged” so that you will never need to repay those debts again.
Chapter 13 When an individual has steady income, but is still overwhelmed with debt, they may be eligible for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Save Your Home From Foreclosure If your mortgage lender is threatening to foreclose on your home, contact us to see how our services can help you.
Emergency Bankruptcy Services If you have strict time limits on when you need to file your bankruptcy petition, Bankruptcy Law Pros can help you file in time to stop your emergency.
Locations to Serve You:
Bankruptcy Law Professionals has multiple locations to serve South Orange County, North Orange County, Inland Empire and Los Angeles. We have strategically placed our locations to make it convenient to reach our clients. Contact us to find out if you can come to our offices near your work or your home. If you don’t have time to come in and meet us in person, let us schedule a phone consult with our attorneys for you and manage the whole process by phone, fax, email or regular mail.
At Bankruptcy Law Pros, we make sure to take your confidentiality preferences into consideration. Your finances and your information are confidential from the moment we greet you in your first phone call. Your information will not be sold to partners or any other entities. It is our business to make sure your business is kept between you and us. We have no interest in working with any organizations that want to capitalize on peoples’ data and information.
Bankruptcy Law Pros attorneys are highly skilled in the bankruptcy practice area. Years of experience which our attorneys have are important, but not the only factor you should be concerned about. When looking for a bankruptcy attorney to work with, make sure you are working with organizations that have a large volume of experience to ensure that the attorney has handled your specific type of situation before and knows how to deal with it again and again. Bankruptcy Law Pros attorneys are also equipped with extremely current experience. You definitely don’t want to work with an attorney who has 20 years of experience, but filed their last bankruptcy petition 10 years ago. Bankruptcy rules, processes, standards and fees do change and adjust over time. Our attorneys are working with all of the latest information all day, everyday to keep up to date. In addition to our in-house expertise, we also know all of the court houses and their staff in Los Angeles, Orange County and Riverside County like the back of our hands. At Bankruptcy Law Pros, you will find that all of our support staff is very knowledgeable and capable of helping all of our clients along with supporting our attorneys. It is not out of the ordinary to have our staff call you unprompted just to check in and see how things are going with the process.
Bankruptcy Law Pros has customized services to help you file for bankruptcy. We have all of the latest technology for tech savvy clients to utilize if you are comfortable with the latest in online tools. Use our online tools to send us information, chat with our staff, or email us for immediate response. If you are not comfortable with internet tools or do not have access to internet, we can use paper materials if necessary. It is important for us to use whichever methods our clients are most comfortable with to help make the process as painless as possible. Bankruptcy Law Pros will customize our processes for your needs.
Working Smarter, Not Harder:
Our proprietary bankruptcy filing processes has been specifically designed to provide an easy-to-follow, step-by-step system for our clients. Do not expect us to throw a giant pile of forms for you to fill out without any help. We have developed concise documentation and processes to help work smarter and not harder. We are a full service Law Firm, not a document preparation service or a legal directory. We provide assistance throughout the whole process and have the staff and the support to serve you. Our bankruptcy service includes communication with the attorney, sending an attorney with you at your meeting of creditors, and step-by-step support throughout the whole process.
If you are considering filing a bankruptcy please call Bankruptcy Law Professionals. We have the experience and expertise to aid and assist you through the bankruptcy process to make sure it is done correctly.