Monthly Archives: October 2012
How Much Credit Card Debt Do I Need to File Bankruptcy?
Written on , by BLP
If you are asking yourself whether you have enough credit card debt to file for bankruptcy, now may be the right time for you to do it. Putting off a bankruptcy will only place you in a more and more urgent position to get your bankruptcy filed. There is no specific minimum amount of credit Continue Reading
Bankruptcy and Short Sale
Written on , by BLP
If you are in the process of a short sale, a bankruptcy may be the next step after your short sale to shore up all of your debt and help your credit improve. Today, a short sale seems commonplace among the Riverside and Orange County areas. Southern California has taken a significant impact from the Continue Reading
How Long Does Bankruptcy Take in Orange County Bankruptcy Court?
Written on , by BLP
Orange County bankruptcy court is located in Santa Ana, CA. Bankruptcy Law Professionals has been working with the Santa Ana bankruptcy court system since inception. We have a close ear to the pace and workflow of the bankruptcy court in Orange County and have found that, on average, bankruptcies are being processed in about 3 Continue Reading
When Can You File Bankruptcy Again After You Have Filed in the Past?

Written on , by BLP
Bankruptcy has a fixed schedule of events after your bankruptcy has been filed and discharged in the past. Many who have a bankruptcy filing in their past may be looking to file bankruptcy again after this historic recession we are continuing to recover from. There was a large number of filings in 2005 when the Continue Reading
Rich Dad Poor Dad Bankruptcy Protection
Written on , by BLP
The man behind the success of the Rich Dad Poor Dad book series is filing for bankruptcy. (You can read more details here: Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Bankrupt Dad?) This is yet another case of a wealthy individual who is strategically taking advantage of his rights under the bankruptcy code and bankruptcy protection. Robert Kiyosaki Continue Reading
How Long Does Bankruptcy Take in Riverside Bankruptcy Court?
Written on , by BLP
In Riverside County and all of the Inland Empire, bankruptcy takes about 3 months to get through the whole process in Riverside Bankruptcy Court. Bankruptcy in Riverside County basically works the same as bankruptcy in San Bernardino County because both counties hold all of their bankruptcy proceedings in the Riverside bankruptcy court house located in Continue Reading
Bankruptcy and Divorce
Written on , by BLP
Our long history of work as a bankruptcy law firm in Riverside and Orange County has brought us clients in many different situations. Divorced clients or clients currently going through a divorce is a situation that we have seen several times from both our Riverside bankruptcy attorneys and our Orange County bankruptcy attorneys. Sometimes, financial Continue Reading
How to Avoid Over-Paying For a Riverside Bankruptcy Attorney
Written on , by BLP
You have many choices in the Riverside County area to choose a bankruptcy attorney to work with. Bankruptcy Law Professionals will always encourage our clients to take the time to choose the Riverside bankruptcy attorney that best suits your needs. As we mention in our advertising, price is important, but make sure you are using Continue Reading