Monthly Archives: February 2017
Debt That Does Not Discharge In Bankruptcy
Written on , by BLP
When paperwork is filed at the beginning of a bankruptcy proceeding, most debt that was incurred previous to the bankruptcy filing is subject to discharge in the bankruptcy except for some specific types of debts. Student loan debt is not usually discharged by any bankruptcy filing. However, there are certain circumstances in which it can Continue Reading
Health Care Medical Debt Top Cause of Bankruptcy
Written on , by BLP
Health care costs have always been one of the biggest concerns for just about every family in America. The costs associated with health care not only continue to rise, they continue to create financial problems and strain for many families, often becoming completely overwhelming. This is especially the case when a medical emergency arises and Continue Reading
What Does BK Stand For? Bankruptcy? Burger King?
Written on , by BLP
What is BK? Bankers and other business professionals sometimes use the abbreviation BK to mean bankruptcy. In the financial or business arena, BK is referring to a bankruptcy. It can refer to a business or corporate bankruptcy and it can also be used to describe someone’s personal bankruptcy. Check the context in which the letters Continue Reading
Bankruptcy Law Professionals Video
Written on , by BLP
Bankruptcy Law Professionals has released this new video for your enjoyment. We hope the video captures our general message in a clear and concise manner. To recap some of the key messages in the video… 1. Debt can be an everyday drag on your life. It hovers over you until you deal with it. Even Continue Reading
Did You Know These Surprising Facts About Bankruptcy?
Written on , by BLP
The more you learn about bankruptcy, the better you can judge if it is the correct solution for you and your future. Bankruptcy is generally perceived as a negative activity in someone’s life which must be avoided at all costs. It is less likely to be seen as a helpful solution to debt problems. Some Continue Reading
Bankruptcy Attorney Can Use Chapter 13 To Resolve Foreclosure
Written on , by BLP
The presentation below breaks down how a Chapter 13 can be utilized to immediately stop a foreclosure and reorganize your situation. When you are facing foreclosure, the process seems to be out of your control. Dates are set and you have nothing to do with the dates that have been set for your home to Continue Reading
How a Bankruptcy Lawyer Can Use Chapter 7 To Stop Foreclosure
Written on , by BLP
Below is a presentation that describes the process of how Bankruptcy Law Professionals can utilize Chapter 7 bankruptcy as your bankruptcy lawyer to stop a foreclosure sale. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will eliminate your unsecured debts and will also halt all collections activities. A foreclosure is considered a collection activity by the bank, lender, or Continue Reading
Life After Bankruptcy: What You Need to Know and What To Expect
Written on , by BLP
Filing a bankruptcy is a huge decision to make. When you think about bankruptcy, you are inclined to think about what your life after bankruptcy will be like. Will you be living in shame? Will you ever be able to buy a home or a car again? If so, when can you live a normal Continue Reading
A Closer Look At Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Written on , by BLP
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is also sometimes known as “liquidation” bankruptcy. Most or all of your debts are cancelled and your non-exempt property is sold, or liquidated, to satisfy some of the debt you owe to creditors. Many people who file Chapter 7 bankruptcy do keep all of their property but it can be completely dependent Continue Reading
Ways To Reduce Credit Card Debt
Written on , by BLP
Just about everyone who possesses a credit card is looking for a way to tone down that debt, and for good reason. The average credit card debt at the end of 2016 was just under $6,000 per household, with some being more or less depending on a variety of factors. Why Credit Card Debt Is Continue Reading