Tag Archives: bad credit
Ways To Reduce Credit Card Debt
Just about everyone who possesses a credit card is looking for a way to tone down that debt, and for good reason. The average credit card debt at the end of 2016 was just under $6,000 per household, with some being more or less depending on a variety of factors. Why Credit Card Debt Is Continue Reading
Late Payments on Credit Card Debt
Late payments? Are you looking for direction on what to do about late payments on high interest credit card debt? If you are getting calls for late payments by your credit card company and threats to take you to court, you need to know your rights and how to deal with this situation. If you Continue Reading
Charge-offs and Bankruptcy
On credit reports, some unpaid debts may be noted as “Charged Off” by creditors. This means the the creditor has written this debt off of there books and considered it as bad debt. It does not mean that they cannot continue to collect on the debt. They may continue to contact you about the debt Continue Reading
Bankruptcy Can Help You Live Without Credit Cards
Dependency on Credit Cards Are you using your credit cards to get by every month? Do you pay off as much as you can on your credit card debt, yet never seem to make a dent in your debt? Your debt seems to only be growing larger and larger with fees, interest, late charges. You Continue Reading