Tag Archives: credit cards
Paying Off Holiday Credit Card Debt

Using credit cards to make your holiday purchases may not be the wisest thing to do, yet on average, it adds nearly $1000 to the balance of many credit card holders. At an average interest rate of about 13.93%, that means you will pay an extra $350 for those purchases. Higher interest rates, of course, Continue Reading
Bankruptcy Can Eliminate Consumer Debt
Are you a victim of our consumerist society? Did all of the seasonal sales and holiday vacations get your finances in a bind that you were not expecting? Did the credit card special offers pile up into a large sum of debt with minimum payments you cannot afford? These are all common scenarios in building Continue Reading
Secured or Unsecured Debt
There are a few different categories of debt that people normal consumers deal with on a daily basis. In the world of credit and loans, we see many different names for loan products like payday loans, cash advance loans, interest-only mortgage, sub-prime mortgage, hard money loans, casino markers, student loans, and countless others. All of Continue Reading
Bankruptcy Can Help You Live Without Credit Cards
Dependency on Credit Cards Are you using your credit cards to get by every month? Do you pay off as much as you can on your credit card debt, yet never seem to make a dent in your debt? Your debt seems to only be growing larger and larger with fees, interest, late charges. You Continue Reading
Discharge Credit Card Debt With Bankruptcy
It is widely known that a chapter 7 bankruptcy can eliminate or discharge credit card debt if all of the bankruptcy requirements under the bankruptcy code are fulfilled, but what actually happens to all of your credit card accounts after you file for bankruptcy? Here’s some information on what happens with your credit card accounts. Continue Reading