Tag Archives: orange county bankruptcy attorney
Will Your Employer Find Out About Your Bankruptcy?

A bankruptcy is a private matter although bankruptcy court is a public arena. Your attorney will be working under a client confidentiality agreement in which the attorney and law firm is not to provide any information to unauthorized parties. Those who are employed and need to file bankruptcy may be concerned about the privacy issues Continue Reading
When Is It the Right Time for Debt Settlement?
Debt settlement and debt consolidation can be a good solution for the right type of situation. If you are dealing with unsecured debt with multiple creditors, you may need to hire a debt settlement company to help you negotiate your debts with your creditors. A bankruptcy can certainly wipe out debt with creditors, but if Continue Reading
Bankruptcy Can Eliminate Consumer Debt
Are you a victim of our consumerist society? Did all of the seasonal sales and holiday vacations get your finances in a bind that you were not expecting? Did the credit card special offers pile up into a large sum of debt with minimum payments you cannot afford? These are all common scenarios in building Continue Reading
Secured or Unsecured Debt
There are a few different categories of debt that people normal consumers deal with on a daily basis. In the world of credit and loans, we see many different names for loan products like payday loans, cash advance loans, interest-only mortgage, sub-prime mortgage, hard money loans, casino markers, student loans, and countless others. All of Continue Reading
Where Can You Find Info on Student Loan Forgiveness?
Student loan debt is a hot topic in the US today because most students will graduate with student loan debt looming over them and student loan debt in the US is at an all-time high. So, where is the best place to start when you are looking for student loan debt forgiveness? Start with your Continue Reading
Bankruptcy Is a Realistic Option
For many average consumers out there, bankruptcy is one thing that your parents and your colleagues tell you to avoid though out your life. When it comes to debt, all solutions should be considered if you are trying to resolve your debt when you are unable to make payments to pay it off. So, is Continue Reading
Can You File Bankruptcy If You Are Receiving a Tax Refund?
If you are worried about losing your tax refund because of a bankruptcy, don’t worry about it. It is not necessary to surrender your tax refund even if you are filing for bankruptcy. Your tax refund may stay in tact as long as you do not exceed the exemption limit for cash in a bank Continue Reading
Tax Deadline Does Not Impact Bankruptcy Filing

The tax deadline is coming up here on April 15th to get your taxes filed. So, how does the tax deadline impact your bankruptcy filing if you need to file for bankruptcy to stop collections activities? The tax deadline does not have any impact on your bankruptcy filing. If you need to file bankruptcy to Continue Reading
Will Bankruptcy Discharge Your Mortgage?
Clients call in about many different types of debt, but one type of debt that is usually the most important to our clients is their mortgage debt. Mortgage debt is usually the largest debt amount for most home owners. Filing for bankruptcy does not always mean that you will lose your home and wipe out Continue Reading
Is Your Income Too High For Bankruptcy?

Today, the economy seems to have recovered from the past recession. In your personal situation, you may be back to your normal income and employment may have already stabilized, but if you still have left-over debt that needs to be resolved as a result of an income interruption, bankruptcy can still be an option for Continue Reading