Tag Archives: unsecured debt
Bankruptcy Can Help You Live Without Credit Cards
Dependency on Credit Cards Are you using your credit cards to get by every month? Do you pay off as much as you can on your credit card debt, yet never seem to make a dent in your debt? Your debt seems to only be growing larger and larger with fees, interest, late charges. You Continue Reading
How Much Unsecured Debt Can Be Eliminated in a Bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is your best solution to eliminate unsecured debt. Unsecured debt is any debt that is not attached to an asset like credit card debt, medical debt, or unsecured loans. We can illustrate further using credit card debt as an example. When you charge something on a credit card debt, the debt you incur is Continue Reading
Debt Consolidation vs. Bankruptcy
Many clients come to us after going through difficult experiences with debt consolidation companies. We’ve heard about a wide range of experiences from clients regarding debt consolidation companies. Most people will pay service fees anywhere from several hundred to a thousand dollars a month to “potentially” consolidate debt. The debts that they are unable to Continue Reading