Tag Archives: orange county
Bankruptcy Filings Are Up for 2017

The Central District of California reports that Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy filings have increased in the first quarter of 2017. The Central District includes San Luis Obispo County, Los Angeles County, Santa Barbara County, Ventura County, Orange County, San Bernardino County, and Riverside County. Over the months of January, February, and March, Chapter Continue Reading
Why Is It Important To Manage Debt While You Can?

This article from Market Watch describes 62% of Americans as unable to handle emergency financial situations: Market Watch: Most Americans Are One Paycheck Away From The Street You can prevent yourself from this situation by managing your debt today. Don’t wait until you are in an emergency situation before you manage your debt. If you Continue Reading
How Much Unsecured Debt Can Be Eliminated in a Bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is your best solution to eliminate unsecured debt. Unsecured debt is any debt that is not attached to an asset like credit card debt, medical debt, or unsecured loans. We can illustrate further using credit card debt as an example. When you charge something on a credit card debt, the debt you incur is Continue Reading
Free Bankruptcy Consultations with Bankruptcy Law Professionals
Free bankruptcy consultations are a long standing standard at Bankruptcy Law Professionals. All clients have specific and intricate details about their financial situation. During a free consultation with Bankruptcy Law Pros, you will meet in-person with our attorney and learn what you need to know about the bankruptcy process and how it will impact your Continue Reading
Do you know what to look for in a bankruptcy attorney?

In Orange County and Southern California, you have many attorneys to choose from that are providing bankruptcy filing services. It is easy to find very large firms with large marketing budgets that appear to know be experienced in their line of business. It is also very easy to find one man law offices that claim Continue Reading