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Tag Archives: late payments

Late Payments More Danger Than Bankruptcy

Generally, people spend their whole lives avoiding bankruptcy as a last resort. Bankruptcy is viewed as a public filing and has a stigma of shame behind it. Some people would rather continue to suffer through late payments on their accounts than face a real solution to the debt. A late payment can be very dangerous Continue Reading

Your Credit Card Balance Can Impact Your Future

Credit card companies are great at sending you promotions where low interest rates are offered for cash funds or for offering low interest rates to transfer a credit card balance. The low interest rates can sometimes be as low as 0%. It may seem like you aren’t paying for your purchases for a while by Continue Reading

Late Payments on Credit Card Debt

Late payments? Are you looking for direction on what to do about late payments on high interest credit card debt? If you are getting calls for late payments by your credit card company and threats to take you to court, you need to know your rights and how to deal with this situation. If you Continue Reading

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