Tag Archives: oc chapter 7
What is the credit counseling requirement for bankruptcy?
Many are nervous about entering the bankruptcy process with all of the outstanding requirements that are written about online. Our offices in Orange County and Riverside CA have met with thousands of clients who found it challenging to track down all the requirements involved in filing for bankruptcy. Many people feel overwhelmed by what they Continue Reading
How Bankruptcy Affects Your Credit
One of the most common questions we are asked here at Bankruptcy Law Professionals is about how the bankruptcy will impact your credit. Over years and years of experience, we can confidently state that in most of our bankruptcy client cases, the overwhelming long term result is an IMPROVEMENT of credit score. You read that Continue Reading
Co-Signer and Bankruptcy
How does a bankruptcy impact a debt if the debt has been co-signed by a 2nd party? In this article, we will explore different scenarios in which a co-signer is involved in debt in the context of bankruptcy. When one person files for bankruptcy, the liability on the debt is essentially removed after the bankruptcy Continue Reading
Student Loan Crisis Again
Last year at around this time, there was a lot of noise in the media about the student loan crisis. The alarm was set by deadline to double student loan rates across the board to 6.8%. All student loan rates are set to double on July 1st if there is no agreement to change the Continue Reading
How Long Does Bankruptcy Take in Orange County Bankruptcy Court?
Orange County bankruptcy court is located in Santa Ana, CA. Bankruptcy Law Professionals has been working with the Santa Ana bankruptcy court system since inception. We have a close ear to the pace and workflow of the bankruptcy court in Orange County and have found that, on average, bankruptcies are being processed in about 3 Continue Reading