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Tag Archives: bankruptcy riverside

Bankruptcy Attorneys in Riverside Court and San Bernardino Court

Bankruptcy Law Professionals has been practicing law in the Inland Empire for over a decade. We understand there are many choices to make when trying to select a bankruptcy attorney in the city of Riverside and surrounding areas, Riverside County, and San Bernardino County. Since the San Bernardino court system and the Riverside court system Continue Reading

Is your home still underwater due to a HELOC?

Bankruptcy is a HELOC Solution Did you know you can file a lien avoidance motion (lien strip motion) in a bankruptcy to remove a Home Equity Line of Credit or HELOC (Also known as 2nd mortgage, 2nd home loan, line of credit, junior lien, junior loan)? If your house is underwater due to a HELOC, Continue Reading

How Bankruptcy Affects Your Credit

One of the most common questions we are asked here at Bankruptcy Law Professionals is about how the bankruptcy will impact your credit. Over years and years of experience, we can confidently state that in most of our bankruptcy client cases, the overwhelming long term result is an IMPROVEMENT of credit score. You read that Continue Reading

Co-Signer and Bankruptcy

How does a bankruptcy impact a debt if the debt has been co-signed by a 2nd party? In this article, we will explore different scenarios in which a co-signer is involved in debt in the context of bankruptcy. When one person files for bankruptcy, the liability on the debt is essentially removed after the bankruptcy Continue Reading

Can I Stop Paying My Credit Cards While I am in Bankruptcy?

Credit card debt is a common part of life in domestic households. We use credit cards to pay for things that we should be able to pay for over time if everything in your financial life goes in its expected direction. A financial emergency is what may throw your credit card debt management plan into Continue Reading

How to Pay for Bankruptcy Services on a Low Budget

Filing for bankruptcy can sometimes be an additional financial problem on top of the debts that you already need to include in a bankruptcy. With many law firms charging upwards of $2000 or more for bankruptcy services, it may be difficult for some people to come up with the funds to file for bankruptcy if Continue Reading

What Type of Loans Can You Get After Bankruptcy?

WHAT TYPE OF LOANS CAN YOU QUALIFY FOR? Many people are under the impression that a bankruptcy or low credit score can hold you back from securing loans with lending organizations or banks. Bankruptcy Law Professionals would like you to know that you have the potential to secure any loan you may be interested in Continue Reading

How to Stop A Wage Garnishment

As the economy continues to rebound, there are many positive changes in the economic environment. More jobs means more income for those who have had a hard time finding employment through the recession. More income is usually a very positive change in your life unless your creditors intercept your earnings through a wage garnishment. While Continue Reading

2nd Mortgage Charged-Off

What does it mean if a 2nd mortgage on real estate is “charged-off”? If you had a Home Equity Line of Credit (or HELOC) on your home or if you had a purchase money 2nd loan that was not paid, some banks will charge-off the debt. This designation can be seen on a credit report Continue Reading

Employment and Bankruptcy

Now that our economy is well on its way to recovery, many of those who were unemployed through the recession are now able to find employment opportunities in our areas of service in Riverside and Orange County. So, how do you deal with a bankruptcy while you are employed? Does your employer need to know? Continue Reading

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