Filing for bankruptcy can sometimes be an additional financial problem on top of the debts that you already need to include in a bankruptcy. With many law firms charging upwards of $2000 or more for bankruptcy services, it may be difficult for some people to come up with the funds to file for bankruptcy if they are already in a strenuous financial situation. In this article, we can explore some strategies to help you get to the point of filing your bankruptcy petition with Bankruptcy Law Professionals.
BLP is Inexpensive:
Bankruptcy Law Professionals is usually up to 50% less in cost for consumer bankruptcy services. Contact us to check out price ranges which can be given to you over the phone. We can evaluate your situation and give you a quote on the phone that will accurately reflect what the whole service will cost you when you sign up. There is no bait and switch or added costs down the line. We will tell you exactly what you need to file with us and we will stick to our quoted price.
Free Consultations:
Our initial consultations are always free. You can take advantage of our free consultations to start the process and move forward with your life. Even if you don’t have the money to get your bankruptcy started, a free consultation may provide you with information on when you really need to file your bankruptcy and how we can help you with a payment plan or an emergency bankruptcy for a lower price than a full bankruptcy filing. There may be many options available to you if your attorney learns more about your personal situation and can help you find the best time to file that will fit your income schedule.
Payment Plans:
Payment plans usually need to be completed before a bankruptcy petition is filed. So, if you need to spread out the payment over several months, make sure the law office you are working with will honor your payment plan and make sure you have a solid schedule for when the petition is targeted to be filed. With one-man, sole proprietor law offices, it may be risky to schedule a payment plan because small law offices are less dependable to follow through with commitments. At BLP, we will be working and up to date on your needs all the way until you complete your payment plan and receive a discharge and closure of your bankruptcy file.
Planning Ahead:
Do your homework and learn about the bankruptcy process ahead of time. You can always call into our office to ask questions about things you can do to prepare for your bankruptcy filing. So, in the time that you are saving money to pay for bankruptcy filing services, you can also use our free consultation to learn more about the bankruptcy process to prepare you for what may be coming up ahead.
Bankruptcy Law Professionals has attorneys in Riverside and Orange County to help anyone in need of bankruptcy filing services. Our law office in Riverside helps clients all over the Inland Empire including high desert. Our Orange County office located in Santa Ana is centrally located in OC to help clients in both North Orange County and South Orange County. We can be reached at (855) 257-7671 to schedule a free consultation.