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Category Archives: Bankruptcy

Find the information you need on bankruptcy filing including Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Filing for bankruptcy can be a difficult decision in life, but it can sometimes be a necessary step to making progress with your debt situation. Our articles about bankruptcy has helpful information to help you get informed on various issues regarding bankruptcy. Although our articles are informative, the articles should in no way be taken as legal advice. Legal advice can come from our attorney who can be reached at 855 257-7671.

Credit Repair After Bankruptcy

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A bankruptcy can be the best way to begin repairing your credit. The first, most important part of repairing credit is to stop negative debt entries on your credit report. The only way to stop negative reports or marks on your credit report is to cure the debt and stop your creditors from reporting negatives Continue Reading

You Can Qualify for Bankruptcy While Receiving Unemployment

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Receiving unemployment benefits or any other income does not automatically disqualify you from filing bankruptcy. A bankruptcy is designed to help you keep your assets and income if your income is not enough to cover your debt payments. Collections companies can intercept income if you are employed by filing a case against you in court Continue Reading

Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Filing Fees Raised on June 1st, 2014

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Beginning on June 1st, 2014, filing fees for bankruptcies will be raised. Here are the new and the previous rates: Chapter 7 bankruptcy: $335 (up from $ 306) Chapter 13 bankruptcy: $310 (up from $281) Chapter 12 bankruptcy: $275 (up from $246) This increase may not seem to be a large increase, but if you Continue Reading

What Documents Do You Need To File Bankruptcy?

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A number of concerns about bankruptcy are around a fear of the time commitment needed to file for bankruptcy. People are expecting piles of paperwork and tons of meetings, but this is simply not the case for a number of reasons. Your credit background can get very complicated with garnishments, levies, judgments, late notices, multiple Continue Reading

Does Bankruptcy Mean Death to Your Credit? The Answer is NO!

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We have a general public perception of bankruptcy as a negative impact on your life and although it is true that a bankruptcy is not a favorable mark on your credit, bankruptcy should actually be perceived as a solution rather than the problem.  Bankruptcy exists to help difficult financial situations.  Your debt, collections, wage garnishments, Continue Reading

How Can A Bankruptcy Attorney Help With Your Real Estate Issues?

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There are many ways a bankruptcy attorney can assist you through your real estate problems. Many people believe that filing bankruptcy will just result in losing your home and the rest of your valuable possessions. The real truth is that a bankruptcy attorney may be one of the best resources for you in a time Continue Reading

Too Much Cash for Bankruptcy? Think Again.

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Is Your Cash In Danger If You File for Bankruptcy? Do you think you have too much cash on hand or in your checking/savings account to file for bankruptcy? Most people have no idea that there are many types of exemptions in bankruptcy. Exemptions are allowances for you to keep assets out of the bankruptcy. Continue Reading

Bankruptcy Can Eliminate Consumer Debt

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Are you a victim of our consumerist society? Did all of the seasonal sales and holiday vacations get your finances in a bind that you were not expecting? Did the credit card special offers pile up into a large sum of debt with minimum payments you cannot afford? These are all common scenarios in building Continue Reading

Privacy: Bankruptcy Is A Personal Affair

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Does Privacy Exist for Bankruptcy Filers? For those who are considering bankruptcy as an option, a major factor has always been your privacy while filing. The thought of a bankruptcy being “public information” makes the process seem like it would allow the public to see that you have filed for bankruptcy. What needs to be Continue Reading

Why You Should Not Choose a Bankruptcy Attorney by Lowest Price

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We know your financial situation is difficult if you are looking for a bankruptcy attorney, but how much you pay a bankruptcy attorney should not be where you cut corners. You should not look for the cheapest bankruptcy attorney as the sole criteria for choosing an attorney to use in a bankruptcy. If the lowest Continue Reading

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