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Tag Archives: debt

How Much Unsecured Debt Can Be Eliminated in a Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy is your best solution to eliminate unsecured debt. Unsecured debt is any debt that is not attached to an asset like credit card debt, medical debt, or unsecured loans. We can illustrate further using credit card debt as an example. When you charge something on a credit card debt, the debt you incur is Continue Reading

When Should You File For Bankruptcy?

Are you concerned about when the best time to file for bankruptcy will be? If you have realized that your debt has grown to an unmanageable amount and you are starting to see your resources depleting your savings, retirement money, and income, now is a good time to file. Your savings, retirement money and income Continue Reading

Bankruptcy and Credit Scores

It is difficult to estimate exactly how much bankruptcy will affect credit scores because it depends on what is on your credit report and what your current credit score is. If your credit score is very high, you may experience more of an impact on your credit score than if your credit score is already Continue Reading

When is the right time to file for Bankruptcy?

There is never a great time to file for bankruptcy, but if you are considering bankruptcy, it is time for you to consult an attorney and learn about your rights under bankruptcy protection. If you’ve ever asked yourself if bankruptcy might be the right solution for you, you would most likely benefit from a bankruptcy Continue Reading

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