There is never a great time to file for bankruptcy, but if you are considering bankruptcy, it is time for you to consult an attorney and learn about your rights under bankruptcy protection. If you’ve ever asked yourself if bankruptcy might be the right solution for you, you would most likely benefit from a bankruptcy consultation, because most people that do not need to file for bankruptcy would never be asking themselves if bankruptcy might be something to consider. Bankruptcy is certainly not the easiest concept to understand, but with the aid of an attorney, the benefits of bankruptcy will become clear and the negative impact can be minimized. In most cases, the positive effects will far outweigh any long term negative effects. You can try to ask yourself these questions when trying to determine if it is the right time for you to seek bankruptcy advice:
1. Do I see a realistic end to resolving my outstanding debts without continuing to incur more debt?
2. When I receive income or a paycheck, does a significant amount of it go towards paying down my debt and improving my future and not just paying bank fees and interest charges?
3. Is my debt situation going to improve over a short period of time?
4. Do I feel that I am in total control of my debt activities and I am aware of all upcoming activities and payment schedules?
5. Am I aware of all my debts that are continuing to negatively impact my credit and am I aware of how I am going to eventually resolve these issues?
If you answered NO to any of these questions, you need to contact us to see how we can best help you.
Try this question:
1. Do I know of any solution that costs around $1000 that could cure all of my debt problems?
Bankruptcy Law Professionals would like you to know that we may be able to resolve all your debt problems for around $1000 by helping you file for bankruptcy. Call us to find out how: 855 257-7671