Tag Archives: foreclose
The Problem With Government Loan Modification Programs
Here is the list of current home loan modification programs available to consumers who are trying to keep their home: Home Affordable Modification Program SM (HAMPSM) Principal Reduction Alternative SM (PRA) Second Lien Modification Program (2MP) FHA Home Affordable Modification Program (FHA-HAMP) USDA’s Special Loan Servicing Veteran’s Affairs Home Affordable Modification (VA-HAMP) Home Affordable Foreclosure Continue Reading
How Soon Can We Stop Your Foreclosure Sale?

We have stopped foreclosure sales or trustee auctions on the same day that a client calls us. On many occasions, Bankruptcy Law Professionals has stopped foreclosure sales immediately after a client calls us. In this situation, usually a client has a foreclosure sale that needs to be stopped on the same day that they call Continue Reading
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Protection Can Postpone Foreclosure
This week, we have already helped several clients postpone their foreclosure proceedings with Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection. Bankruptcy protection is a proven solution to postpone foreclosures. If you have an upcoming sale date, a Chapter 7 may be the best solution to postpone the trustee sale to a later date. When you are not ready Continue Reading