A bankruptcy is a very private matter. Many people have never discussed their personal financial matters with any outside parties. We understand that it might be difficult for you to go over all the details of your financial habits to a stranger. Bankruptcy can be a daunting matter or sometimes it can even strike people as an embarrassing issue. If you have never explored bankruptcy before, it may seem difficult to figure out who you can trust and which information is correct that you’ve been reading on the internet. It is important that you trust your attorney when you deal with as serious of a matter as bankruptcy.
Our attorneys understand this personal dynamic of bankruptcy. You can be sure that our bankruptcy attorneys are not stuffy business types who will grill you with difficult questions and judge you by your financial habits. Our bankruptcy attorneys are friendly solution providers who want to listen to you and find out more about your situation. The bankruptcy process can be explained to you in very simple terms that do not need a rocket scientist to figure out. Some attorneys would like to make you believe that some things are too complicated for you to understand, but our goal is to allow you to understand everything we are doing for you and everything involved in the bankruptcy process. Our supporting staff will tell you exactly what we need and when we need it throughout the whole process. Our firm is here to build long term relationships with our clients. Bankruptcy is a very personal matter and should be guided by a law firm who is interested in you and your family’s well being through the bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy is not like getting a car wash. Everyone needs the same thing from a car wash. Your car is dirty and you want it cleaned. Car washes are so standard for people that you can even go through a car wash drive through to get what you need. In a bankruptcy, even though everyone is looking to get their debt cleaned up, your bankruptcy petition and process is not always the same as the next person’s. You have different assets that need to be protected. You have different amounts of debt that need to be cured. You have different income numbers to work with.
So, don’t be intimidated too work with a law office and an attorney. Give it a try and give us a call when you are ready to talk about your situation. You will understand what we mean by “personal service” right from the start of the phone call.
We have offices servicing the Inland Empire, Orange County and Los Angeles. Please call us at 855 257-7671 for a phone consultation or to set up an appointment with us.