Convincing your spouse to file for joint bankruptcy is a matter of perception in most cases. In many cases, when one person in a couple are seriously considering bankruptcy while the other is not even interested in talking about it and refuses to even explore it as an option, the decision can create an emotional argument. If you consider the reasons why you and your family may need to file for bankruptcy, it should not be an emotional decision whatsoever. It should be a logical decision based on the numbers. Don’t let the conversation get heated and emotional. Learn as much as you can about the process and make sure that you can be comfortable with managing the whole process. You should take advantage of consultations with attorneys and law offices. Become the lead in your family’s bankruptcy project. Make sure you can explain how everything works and get an attorney that will help you get comfortable with the process. If you don’t have an attorney that will take the time to explain everything for you, maybe you should try a different attorney.
Keep in mind, you can always take paperwork that needs to be signed from the attorney you are working with and take it home with you to have your spouse sign the documents if your spouse wants to minimize their time commitment. Let your hesitant spouse know that you can complete the required credit counseling sessions by phone or online to make it easy. There is one day that the both of you will need to meet with the bankruptcy trustee at the bankruptcy court. It is called the Meeting of Creditors. Make sure your attorney can prepare you for that meeting and learn what to expect. The more you learn about it, the more confidence you will have to be able to lead your spouse through it.
Definition For the Day:
Joint Petition – A joint bankruptcy filing for a married couple
Lesson For the Day:
If you want to convince your spouse that bankruptcy is right for you and your family, find an good attorney that will teach you all about the process and have enough education on the process to be comfortable with the processes involved and then educate your spouse. Make sure you can take the lead on the bankruptcy process and manage it as a family project and you are in the driver’s seat.
Bankruptcy Law Professionals is a bankruptcy law firm based in Southern California with offices in Riverside, and Orange County. For appointments, please contact Bankruptcy Law Professionals at 855 257-7671.