Don’t let the tax filing deadline discourage you from filing for bankruptcy if you have an urgent situation at hand. If you are dealing with a wage garnishment, bank account levy, or any other collection activity that is interrupting your life, the tax filing deadline should not stop you from filing for bankruptcy or finding out more information on bankruptcy. If you have not yet filed your taxes, you can still file for bankruptcy and move forward with a bankruptcy filing. The bankruptcy court does not require that you have your taxes filed before a bankruptcy filing. The bankruptcy court will request your two most recent tax filings to submit with your bankruptcy petition, but it is not imperative for you to have your current tax year filing completed before you file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. You can simply submit the two most recent filings which could be from several years past.
Bankruptcy Law Professionals has a permanent location in Riverside to service clients in Riverside County and San Bernardino County. We have helped clients all over the Inland Empire from Perris to Murrieta with bankruptcy filings. To schedule an appointment with us, please email us at or call us at 855 257-7671.