Filing a bankruptcy without an attorney or attorney representation (also known as “Pro Se” or “in Pro Per”) is not advisable, but if you have already filed your bankruptcy on your own and still need help to complete the filing to get it to discharge, you scan still hire Bankruptcy Law Professionals to help you complete your filing. When you file on your own without an attorney and you run into challenges that you do not know how to handle, Bankruptcy Law Professionals can substitute ourselves in and represent you through the rest of the time that you need our assistance. You will not be required to repay the court filing fee if you are already filed since you have already paid that fee to the court.
If you choose to substitute Bankruptcy Law Pros as your law office to represent you through the rest of your bankruptcy proceedings, we will review your completed petition and make suggestions for adjustments to your petition as we see fit based on our extensive experience with the bankruptcy court system. We can then represent you through the rest of the process to see your petition through to discharge. You will receive the full bankruptcy service to properly complete your file, attend your bankruptcy trustee meeting, and file all necessary documents.
So, if you had to file a bankruptcy in an emergency situation where you wanted to file on your own, but now realize you need an attorney to help you complete the tasks at hand, do not hesitate to call Bankruptcy Law Professionals. We can pick up right where you left off and make sure you have a complete petition to reach the goal of discharging all of your outstanding debts. We have Riverside bankruptcy attorneys and Orange County bankruptcy attorneys to help you. We serve Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and San Diego counties.
To schedule an appointment for a consultation with an attorney from our office, please contact us at 855 257-7671.