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Do You Need To Wait Until The End of the Bankruptcy Process To Discharge Debt?

We get many calls and questions around how long the bankruptcy process takes to be over and discharge debt. It is actually not necessary for you to wait all the way until the discharge of your debt at the end of the bankruptcy process in order to relieve you from your collections and debt issues. A Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy filed in Bankruptcy Court will immediately provide you with bankruptcy protection upon the initial filing of your petition.

Bankruptcy debt relief doesn’t always need to come at the end of the process. Your assets and funds can be protected immediately after your bankruptcy is filed. Your bankruptcy attorney can help you get your petition filed immediately in order to stop collections activities. When your bankruptcy petition is filed, it will immediately generate a case number. This case number can be communicated to your creditors to stop collections activities from moving forward. The collections activities require a bankruptcy case number to notify the creditor of the bankruptcy case filing.

Bankruptcy protection is provided through an automatic stay provision in the bankruptcy code. An automatic stay freezes all collections activities upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition. The creditor needs to be made aware of the bankruptcy filing to stop collections activities while the automatic stay is in place. The automatic stay is usually in place throughout the bankruptcy filing unless the creditor takes action to remove the automatic stay. If the automatic stay is removed, your attorney will help you craft a response and and execute the next actions that are necessary.

In summary, the protection from a bankruptcy filing is immediate. You will not need to wait for the whole process to complete through to discharge to get the asset protection that you need.


Bankruptcy Law Professionals is a bankruptcy law firm with offices in the Inland Empire and Orange County.  Contact us at 855 257 – 7671 to schedule a free consultation with our attorneys.

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