Tag Archives: home equity exemption
Homestead Exemption Up To $600,000 in California

Many carriers of debt avoid bankruptcy in fear of endangering the ownership of their homes. This fear should be somewhat alleviated by a significant increase in the homestead exemption also referred to as a home equity exemption limit allowed in California bankruptcy courts. Since January 1 of 2021, California bankruptcy courts have raised the home Continue Reading
You Probably Won’t Lose Your Home in Bankruptcy

Does Bankruptcy Make You Lose Your Home? Losing a home is a tragic event on its own. Getting your home taken from you can also be a very emotional event especially if the home holds many family memories and history over a long period of time. The loss of a house is tough just as Continue Reading
File for Bankruptcy and Keep Your Home
Hesitancy to file for bankruptcy is very common especially for those who own assets that they would like to protect. Many homeowners own homes that are underwater or have negative equity, meaning that the loan on the home is more than the price that the home would sell for in the market today. Other homeowners Continue Reading