Bankruptcy will protect your income so that your wages will not be garnished and bank accounts will not be levied. When you are under bankruptcy protection, bank levies, wage garnishments, and any other collections activities will be halted. You will have your income protected while your paperwork is being processed in court. In financially challenging times, it is important to protect your income so you can allocate your resources to the most important areas that are helping you and your family survive and get through the difficult situations. Our in-person or phone bankruptcy consultation will include a discussion about what can or can’t be eliminated in the bankruptcy and will give you a better idea of how to allocate your funds to limit the impact on you and your family’s lives. We would like to make it clear that a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will not take any of your income to solve your debt issues. You can continue to make money and use your income to live yoru normal life. As we have stated many times on this blog before, bankruptcy is not designed to make your life more difficult. Bankruptcy is designed to provide protection and assistance to you and your family to help you out of a difficult situation.
If you are interested in learning more about bankruptcy, please contact us at 855 257-7671 to schedule your consultation in-person or by phone. We look forward to hearing from you.