Our bankruptcy attorneys in Orange County, Riverside County and San Bernardino County have the best local experience to help you resolve your credit card debt issues. Credit card debt is sometimes referred to as unsecured debt because the debt is not attached to any particular asset that you own. It is simply a line of credit extended to you by a bank for you to use at your discretion. Late payments on credit cards may cause harassing phone calls and collections activities. When you are 30 days late on a credit card payment, you may get charged penalties for each month you are late. These additional penalties can add up quickly to increase your total outstanding debt amount. Depending on your agreement and terms of service, your annual percentage rate of interest may also increase. After you are 90 days late, your credit card bank/company can take you to court to sue you for the outstanding balance amount. If the debt is still outstanding, it is inevitable that you will get a judgement against you allowing the credit card company to start collections activities like a bank account levy or wage garnishment or placing a lien on your property.
So, what is the best way to eliminate credit card debt when you cannot afford to make the payments? A chapter 7 bankruptcy can eliminate all unsecured debt including credit card debt, payday loans, cash call loans, medical debt, auto repossession debt, unpaid cell phone bills, and many other various types of debt.
We know you have many choices for Riverside bankruptcy attorneys, but you need experts in dealing with credit card debt who can get all of your debt wiped out without losing your assets that you need to live. If you are located in Riverside or San Bernardino Counties, you need expert bankruptcy attorneys who are familiar with the Riverside court system. Our Riverside bankruptcy attorneys have several years of experience with bankruptcy filings in the court systems where you need help.
In Orange County, our Orange County bankruptcy attorneys work with the Santa Ana Bankruptcy Court on a daily basis. We understand the process here and we know what needs to be done to make a successful bankruptcy in the Santa Ana Bankruptcy Court system.
To schedule an appointment with either our Riverside bankruptcy attorneys or our Orange County bankruptcy attorneys, you can contact Bankruptcy Law Professionals at (855) 257-7671.